Alpha Flight #1 from Marvel. Scott Lobdell (Writer); Clayton Henry (Penciller); Mark Morales (Inker); Richard Starkings (Letterer). "We're gettin' the band back together." That's basically the premise behind this: Sasquatch is pulling the team together with Nemesis being the only familiar face. Otherwise, you've got a barkeep/bouncer who can kick ass, a Shaman wannabe, some old guy, and...Major Mapleleaf. As the title of the story says, "You Gotta Be Kiddin' Me." Here, Sasquatch tries and fails to get his team--although we know he'll eventually succeed. This is a terribly lame relaunch. It's kinda like what DC did with Outsiders except, you know, it sucks. At least Clayton Henry's artwork isn't bad, but it can't save a slew of bad dialogue and a humorous tone that might be passable...if it were anything near actually humorous. Whatever you were afraid of happening with this, your fears were well-founded. I predict cancellation within ten issues.