Bone #1
Review by Tobias Clutch

Written and Art by Jeff Smith
Lead Colors by Steve Hamaker
Coloring and Lettering Assists by Kathleen Glosan

Published by Cartoon Books
Price: $5.95

My Verdict: Nicely done.

I was a bit leery when I first heard that Cartoon Books was planning on coloring the first issue for the book's 10th Anniversary. I feared an overly computer-colored monstrosity (similar to Marvel's books), ruining Jeff Smith's beautifully simplistic black & white work.

My fears have been completely washed away by the subtle beauty of this edition, full of wonderfully organic coloring that compliments the artwork without overpowering it.

Also included is an essay/analysis of Bone by comics historian R.C. Harvey, which analyzes the nuances of storytelling contained within Jeff's work--illustrated with some behind-the-scenes sketches.

As if the colored book on nice paper wasn't enough for the price tag, the book also includes a Phoney Bone one gazillion dollar bill...not legal tender, mind you.

And, to top it all off, the book also comes with a small PVC figurine of Fone Bone, packaged in a full-color box.

I don't know about you, but $5.95 seems to me to be an exceptionally low price for all of that, making this well worth the expense for bone-a-fide Bone fans and future fans alike.

Now, if Cartoon Books would only tackle the rest of the run...

QUOTE: "I'm tired of stew! I want to put him in a crust and bake a light fluffy quiche!"

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