Bullseye: Greatest Hits #5 from Marvel. Daniel Way (Writer); Steve Dillon (Artist); Dan Kemp (Colorist); Randy Gentile (Letterer). It's so nice to see somebody who understands a character running that character instead of writers who try to twist characters to fit their own ends. Colin Farrell understood the character, even though he was stuck playing a lameass version of him. He's a psychotic badass who just really gets off on being able to use just about anything to kill people. Way nails Bullseye and this wraps up a very fun five-issue run as mass carnage hits. We've been fans of Dillon since Preacher, of course, and he just has this knack for bringing chaos to life. It's the faces and his attention to their detail that sells us every time. Even if you don't like the character, the story's worth reading the trade when it eventually hits.