Fantastic Four 1234 #1
Review by Tobias Clutch

Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Jae Lee
Colors by Jose Villarrubia

Published by Marvel
Price: $2.99

My Verdict: This book is a piece of shit.

Boy, was this book a piece of shit.

Widge bet me I wouldn't come out and say it, but there you go.

He owes me a Coke.

Marvel owes me a chunk of my life back.

I remember when this storyline was far less mediocre--back when it was called Fantastic Four vs. The X-Men.

Besides being a poor retread of ground already covered (as stated above, in a nutshell: Ben gets pissed off with Reed, Ben turns to Doom), it's a poorly written rehash that shows no understanding of the characters to boot.

The book paints dark caricatures of the FF as brooding, pissy, vindictive people too tied up in their own angst to give a damn about anything but their own problems. There is not one ounce of love or understanding or sense of family evident...what the hell FF book has Grant Morrison read, anyway?

I won't even mention how the plot device that leads Ben to making contact with Doom makes him out to be a complete and utter boob...

No, that would be too easy a way to tear this book down.

By the way, did I mention this book is shit?

Widge owes me two Cokes now.

QUOTE: "Enough hollow bravado, my poor, ugly, angry man."

Buy the trade paperback from Amazon...if you must.

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