Just A Pilgrim TPB

Written by Garth Ennis
Art by Carlos Ezquerra

Published by Black Bull Entertainment
Contents: Collects the complete 5-issue limited series
Price: $12.99

My Verdict: Own It

Having followed Ennis through Preacher and Punisher, not to mention Unknown Soldier, Enemy Ace, and Hitman, I knew when I first clapped eyes on Just A Pilgrim that I'd have to check it out. Ennis' fascination with, and mastery of, the American Wild West archetypes makes it a no-brainer. And after the first few panels, owning this title is, too.

In a post-apocalyptic future where the Sun went big and red a bit sooner than predicted, the oceans are dried up, the population of the earth decimated, and a ragged band of travellers struggles to reach the far side of the Atlantic, where word has it there is water and shelter to be found in the Old World. Into this picture are introduced the Buckers, men gone wild with greed and the absence of authority, who take what they want, preferrably by force, and prey on the straggling survivors of humanity.

So when another batch of travellers cross into their Atlantic territory, the Buckers naturally attack. But a stranger shows up to complicate matters. Known only as "the Pilgrim" throughout the book, this guy is death come a-walkin', spouting scripture and hot lead in equal proportions until all "sinners" repent, perish, or both.

Ennis takes the cowboy motif and turns it on its ear (again), and to stunning results. The story of Just A Pilgrim is equal parts Unforgiven and The Road Warrior, and bloodier than both put together. While not without its moments of humor, it is the barbed, twisted humor that Ennis wielded with such skill in his Preacher series. The villain is, like everything else Ennis does, over the top. Insufficient is the pirate stereotype, with hook, eyepatch, and peg-leg. To be an Ennis pirate captain, you need two hooks, two peg-legs, and no eyes at all.

The artwork is beautiful (if occasionally disgusting or disturbing), and the pacing of the book is non-stop action from beginning to conflagratory end. The character and the world concept are thick with additional possibility and unexplored potential, and I look forward to seeing where Ennis goes with the character in the next series, Garden of Eden, a 4-issue run starting in March '02.

On a bizarre note, at the time of this review, the trade paperback does not appear at Amazon.com for purchase. After repeated web searches, I can only deduce that my local comic shop got the copy I purchased through some sort of rift in the space-time continuum, and that it is actually from the future. You can check Amazon UK, which offers the book for sale, if your local shop doesn't have it or can't get it. Otherwise, we'll add the purchase info here when it becomes available.

Review submitted by Doc Ezra

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