The Demolution Engine #2 from Disgruntled Fanboy. Stephen Esslinger (Writer); Eduardo Herrera (Artist). Shit just gets weirder. Detective John Aureliens has struck some kind of alliance or something with a woman who says she's a private investigator. The Patchwork Man is struggling to remember something that he just keeps on forgetting. And the murder investigation of Huxley is taking a slow turn into Downtown Weirdsville. How to describe this book? Howzabout if Alan Moore took a big dose of lithium and tried to write a cross between Big Numbers and The X-Files, getting the bastard child of David Mack and Teddy Kristiansen to illustrate it? Seriously, the artwork in this thing just amazes. Every time I read the issue I find something else that makes me go "damn." Still don't know where this is going, but I see the pieces falling into place and I must admit I dig it.