The Mysterious Traveler Returns from Moonstone. Joe Gentile (Writer); Trevor Von Eeden (Artist); Wally Lowe (Greytones); Erik Enervold (Letterer). Our titular somewhat hero returns, this time to come to the aid of a young woman named Kit. She's had an experience she cannot explain, nor can she let go of it. As Kit tells her story, the Traveler learns what he needs to do: and it involves exacting a terrible vengeance upon someone or someones. With this issue, the story really gels even better than the last one shot Moonstone created. The story is pure Rod Serling with a bite--and that's a compliment. Kit's story didn't lead where I was expecting it to, and in the process we learn a bit more about the Traveler: little passing clues that intrigue without frustrating. The artwork has some great composition going on, with excellent faces--especially the wide innocent face of Kit. This is all well executed. If future issues are like this, it should be a permanent addition to your pull list.