Occupational Hazards #2

Written by Rick Beckley, Matt Wagner, David Mack, Joe Kelly, Walt Simonson, Roger Mackenzie, Brian Michael Bendis, Marc Bryant, Fred Hembeck
Art by Mike Hawthorne, Vatche Mavlian, Nate Piekos, Patrick King, Brett Feschuk, Sean Closson
Additional Pencils by Lee Ferguson
Additional Inks by Patrick Wedge
Additional Letters by Josh Roberts

Published by CD Comics.
Price: $2.95

Notes: Benefit comic for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.

My Verdict: Fun and for a good cause.

Bizarre and apparently true tales of life in the comic book industry, as told by some "name" talents.

This is an amusing little book. I'm sure that everyone in the comic book industry has similar stories to these. You've got Matt Wagner talking about a strange deranged person posing as him sending off letters, you've got Fred Hembeck talking about the search for the elusive and mythical Ditko beast, and you've even got Bendis talking about when he was a lad and his shit was blue.

No, really.

No, it's not stellar material. Some of it is insightful, most is just flat out funny, and hey, it's for the CBLDF. So pick it up.

Quote: "The leader (because they are a tribe) pulled out a Sharpie and asked with a huge smile if I would do him the honor of signing his butt."

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