Secret War #1 from Marvel. Brian Michael Bendis (Writer); Gabriele Dell'Otto (Artist); Cory Petit (Letterer). Nick Fury has apparently discovered a link between all of the technologically advanced villains in the Marvel Universe. They're getting their backing from somebody big--and the U.S. government is going to go the "diplomatic route" and basically let more people die. Rather than sit back and let this happen, Fury is apparently going to go covert ops with a bunch of New York-based superheroes and do something about it. Or at least, that's what they tell us--this first book doesn't exactly get that far. And while the setup is great and the art is the best whacked out paintjob we've seen since Ruins, the burning question is: since this book is being released quarterly, is it worth the three month wait? Answer is: no, not really. But then again, most books wouldn't be. Hell, even modern classics like Planetary can hardly survive the long wait between issues. Translation: this is cool and all, but for Christ's sake wait till the trade hits sometime next year.