Star Wars: Tag & Bink Are Dead #2

Written by Kevin Rubio
Pencils & Cover by Lucas Marangon
Inks by Howard M. Shum
Colors by Michelle Madson
Lettered by Steve Dutro

Published by Dark Horse
Price: $2.99

My Verdict: Pretty Damn Funny.

Tag & Bink are dead. No, I'm not talking about the title, I'm talking about the end of the first issue. But no, you (and they) aren't getting off that easy. Instead, they're still alive and kicking and weaving their way in and out of the events that you're familiar with from the first two Star Wars films. Now, we learn the rest of the story that Lucas kept from us all these years.

Here's the bottom line. Rubio's so funny, he could probably explain midichlorians in such a way that I would actually laugh instead of spitting and forking the sign of the evil eye. In fact, hell, I hope that Dark Horse goes back and asks him to write a story about Tag & Bink's fathers going through Episode I--because this is probably the best Star Wars series in quite some time. Even for somebody who's not a tremendous fan of the series like me, there's plenty to be offered--I can only imagine some of the side jokes and references that I missed. But you can't miss the signed Mace Windu poster, complete with black lights. And of course, the "two regular guys" caught up in the action is such a great use of Stoppard references, that he gets huge points just for that.

Not to say Rubio's all alone in this. Penciller Marangon gets huge points for creating such wonderful goofball expressions for the characters' faces. And Dark Horse gets points as well for having the testicular fortitude to actually publish this thing. Sequel, prequel, something, please.

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