Beautiful Killing Machine (1996)

Written by Kazumasa Nakata & Toshiyuki Tabe
Directed by Takahito Hara
Starring Rei Natsume, Shunsuke Kariya, Naomasa Musaka, Saiko Isshiki


Rating: Recommended for mature audiences.
Anamorphic: No.
My Advice: Rent it.

Cheryl (Natsume) is an assassin. The best of the best, or so we're meant to understand. She's got issues. She seems to have a bit of a death wish, she dreams about kickboxing, and she has a penchant for doing her work in high heels. She also gets some kind of very interesting therapy in a pool. Anyway, everything's as good as it can get for such a conflicted individual--until she crosses path with someone else in her profession: "The Owl". The question then becomes: what do they want to do, kill each other or have sex? Or...both?

Basically, you've got two...two...two films in one here. You've got some attempts at eroticism, and then you've got Cheryl going around and trying to kick ass lest her ass be kicked in turn. The trouble is that it never really seems to want to commit fully to either premise. First of all, the naughty bits are surprisingly tame and don't seem to go anywhere. Cheryl getting a sensual massage while floating in a pool is about the most noteworthy bit in the whole film--otherwise it's just a great deal of breastage. Now, mind you, there's some quality cleavage on board--but it's nice to look at, that's about all.

Now this could be easily forgiven if there was just some solid action going on. But the main problem is that Natsume simply isn't believable as an uberkiller. The opening sequence where she's apparently trying to keep a young boy from being killed, she's running around in a skirt and heels. I realize, from the title if nothing else, that we're supposed to be watching her body a bit. But still--the martial arts sequences are weak. She can do the distant thousand-yard stare of the wounded in spirit, but that's about all.

As far as extras go, there's nothing to get terribly excited about. The stills are from the film, the trivia is easy enough if you've actually watched the flick, and the DVD-Rom features a lot of stuff that's also included on the inside of the DVD case. If you're seeking out cheesy action flicks with a tinge of erotica, you could do a lot worse than this one. But settle for a rental if that's your bag.

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