Black Point (2002)
Review by HTQ4

Written by Thomas Ian Griffith and Greg Mellott
Directed by David Mackay
Starring David Caruso, Susan Haskell, Thomas Ian Griffith, Eileen Pedde, Alex Bruhanski, and Gordon Tootoosis


Anamorphic: No, it appears in 1.33:1 format
My Advice: Skip it

John (Caruso) is finally putting his life back together. He had a rough time with a relationship as well as his job (he's an ex-military man). When he meets up with Natalie (Haskell), they begin a very...umm...close relationship. That would be all fine and good if she wasn't married to a murderous bastard. Needless to say, said bastard is abusive. Anyway, John's doing pretty good in this relationship until she accuses him of murder and then steals a bunch of dough from her husband.

What a sleeper. Not a sleeper hit, just a flat out snoozer. Even the action sequences compete with Nyquil for the amounts of sedative in them. There's no suspense in this story whatsoever and the acting is simply horrendous. Granted, they had a horrible script to work with, but the actors didn't seem to be even trying to make their characters three dimensional. Even the editing is bad on this movie. There seems to be no cohesion between one scene and the one that follows it. There aren't even any sex scenes worth mentioning that might give this movie something to make it worth watching.

Caruso's character is supposed to be ex-military, but he just comes off as a drunk who is on the verge of losing his job and who just happens to run into a very attractive wife of a murderer. It's not until he's in the throes of passion with her and trying to "save" her from this life, that we see the militariness (to coin a phrase) come out in him. It's just not believable at all. All Haskell has going for her in this film is a nice body and some very beautiful eyes. She seems to be the only one in the cast who might possibly have any possibility of a career after this movie is over. We might see her looming larger on the cinematic horizon, but I'm not holding my breath.

And it gets even better! This DVD has absolutely nothing going for it, either! It's a full-screen presentation of a bad movie with no special features of any kind, save the trailer that they decided to put on the disc; which, by the way, doesn't even do the movie justice. There is no director's commentary, no behind the scenes featurette, and no interviews with the actors. There is not even a text on screen filmography section for the cast and crew. At least this sort of makes sense when you look at their entries on the IMDB.

So, this one should just remain buried in the pile of bad movies that seem to collect at video stores over the years. I just hope that five hundred years from now, it's not this movie that some archaeologist uses to decide what our art was like.

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