Original Dirty Pair, Vol. 1: Girls with Guns (1999)
Review by Dindrane

Original Story by Haruka Takachiho
Directed by Katsuyoshi Yatabe


Dindrane's Anime Warnings:

Released by: ADV
Region: 1
Rating: 15+
Anamorphic: N/A; appears in its original 1.33:1 format.

My Advice: Anime fans will need to own it.

Dirty Pair premiered as a TV series in Japan in 1985, and subsequent manga won the show even more of a following in both the US and Japan. Now, this disc gives us five more episodes/OAVs, which were added to the TV series before it was released in the US.

The titular Dirty Pair consists of vivacious Kei and Yuri, who prefer their official code name of "Lovely Angels." They are the top Trouble Consultants for the World Welfare and Works Association (3WA), keeping crime down and the world safe for everyone...except, of course, for the inevitable collateral damage. One of the best aspects of the show is the banter between Kei and Yuri, especially during "A Totally Wasted Halloween Party." Of course, along the way, they destroy a metro subway tunnel, a museum, a bank, and much, much more.

Their first mission leads them to help put down an uprising on a prison planet, and the second has them taking care of an an organized crime spree on Halloween, complete with costumed Alice and March Hare...and deadly robot. Other assignments are similar in feel: the girls risk life, limb, and a broken nail to catch the bad guys. Along the way, they fight sexist comments (while dressed in bikinis), and test brand new equipment.

The audio and video quality are good, if not spectacular; the focus of the has never been on the art, but on the writing and plot. The look of the show is much like that of the original series, with bright colors and a focus on characters. The snappy dialogue takes center stage here, and both the Japanese and English casts need to be perfect or the jokes fall flat. Luckily, we have professionals here, and the show is funny and witty in both languages.

The extras list is decent, if not outstanding. We get the original trailer and a textless opening. Fans of the show's animation will appreciate both. It would, however, have been nice to have had some text about the history of this influential, historical, and much-loved show. Some interviews with Japanese and American staff would also have been nice, or even just a simple art gallery of stills from the show. Production art might be hard to get at this late date, but if they're still around, give us some sketches.

Overall, if you can handle the outrageous jiggle factor, Dirty Pair is a funny show with lots of great action. Fans of police shows like Gunsmith Cats and Bubblegum Crisis or female buddy shows, like Sorcerer Hunters, then definitely give this show a look. The Dirty Pair may always get their man, but sometimes they have to go through hell and high water both to do it. The show has action, comedy, and even a few mecha thrown in for good measure; it may not be the cleverest thing to come along in a while, but it's not trying to be. It is what it is...cheap thrills and good fun.

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