The Photographers (1994)

Written by Jaime Bernanke
Narrated by Keith David


Anamorphic: N/A; appears in its original 1.33:1 aspect ratio. .

My Advice: Rent It.

There are two magazines that are the pinnacles of amazing photography. One is the now-defunct Life. The other is National Geographic, which happens to still be around. This National Geographic special spotlights the people behind the camera--you know, those guys and gals who take those amazing shots that you only wish you could somehow ape with that piece of crap 35mm job you've got around the house. But there are several reasons why their photos stand head and shoulders above the rest. One, of course, is that this is what they do. It's their job. And as cool as it sounds, it's a taxing job. The other reason is that I've decided, after viewing this special, that most of them are insane.

Let me address this first. These people have amazing amounts of respect from me--because I wish I had the visual arts skills to compose kickass photos. So it's with great endearment that I label them utter whackos. From Dereck Joubert, who in the extra program Passion for Africa is seen about ten feet from a lion snacking on a kill, to Michael Nichols, taking pictures in a jungle while literally covered in insects that are snacking on him--these people amaze me.

This is a very solid program, probably the best National Geographic special I've seen thus far. Not only does it delve into the history of the society and its intrepid band of shutter-mongers, but it gives focus to a very large sampling of them-- allowing them to discuss everything from how their styles developed to how their work winds up gracing a cover of the Geographic magazine. The section that talks about how they are able to capture those Moments that wind up sticking in our minds is quite memorable.

The extras are sweet as well. There's the aforementioned Passion for Africa, focusing on the husband and wife team of Beverly and Dereck Joubert as they tool around a wildlife reserve in Africa in their Land Cruiser and take stunning footage of animals at work. We're talking about a couple who've spent years getting a pride of lions used to their vehicle's spotlight so that they can follow the cats making a kill at night and not be deemed intruders. Amazing.

Also nice are the selection of photographer bios that come along with the features--although you know you could probably easily do a half-hour on each of them without breaking a sweat.

Anyone interested in National Geographic or in the field of photography will definitely want to check this thing out on a rental at the very least; but the hardcore will want to purchase. Like I said, one of the best DVDs from National Geographic yet.

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