Walk Away the Pounds for Abs
Review by Dindrane

Starring Leslie Sansone
Directed by Andrea Ambondos


Released by: GT Brands
Rating: NR, safe for all ages
Region: 1
Anamorphic: No; appears in 1.33:1 format

My Advice: Add it to your exercise library

If your physical needs are such that you need walking to be your primary form of exercise, or if you simply prefer walking to other forms of aerobic activity, then this DVD will be a winner for you. More than just 100 minutes of watching someone walk, Walk Away the Pounds for Abs combines minor secondary steps and moves with an elastic arm exerciser to create the advised whole-body workout in the privacy of your own home; it also manages to avoid over-tasking your body while still providing aerobic benefits and muscular toning.

Not just another way to separate modern man from the outside world, this exercise approach could come in handy for the shy or for days with bad weather. Its real use, however, might be for those people who live in neighborhoods with questionable safety; while we want to exercise, we don’t want to be mugged or worse just trying to get a decent workout. And as many exercisers are likely to be lone women, this provides a safe, useful alternative to going outside that fits into one's schedule.

The disc comes with an elastic contraption meant to get your arms involved in the walking exercise, creating a whole-body benefit. Aside from some good walking shoes and space in your living room, that’s the only equipment you will need.

There are three separate workouts, geared toward stepping up your exercise as you gain fitness. The first workout is the equivalent of one mile of walking and takes about fifteen minutes. The next two-mile program takes about half an hour, while the longest program, three miles, takes about forty-five minutes.

Leslie Sansone is quite personable, motivational and clear. Her instructions make sense, and the nature of this program is that anyone can do it. When she adds choreography to the straight-up walking, she demonstrates clearly and gives you warning. Viewers new to aerobic exercise won’t be confused or lost by her terminology, which is a refreshing change of pace compared to many exercise tapes that make a Broadway show look like an afternoon pick-up dance.

While the musical choices are just this side of mediocre, the sound quality is just fine. Sansone’s instruction and comments are loud and clear, so the overall audio is good.

Overall, this is a solid disc choice for anyone who wants the health benefits of walking, but does not want to go outside or cannot do so for some reason. Walking can be healthful, obviously, but not all areas of the city are safe when our schedule allows exercise, Nature doesn’t always cooperate with our exercise desires, and some of us just don’t want anyone to see us sweat. Kudos to Sansone for making walking work as an indoor exercise.

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