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Dave McKean on DVD Soon? Yes, Have Some.

Dave McKean is amazing. I’ve mentioned getting a chance to see his videos before. And what did I say? I wanted a McKean films DVD.

The Neil reports that I’m going to get my wish, apparently. A DVD of his stuff should be ready by San Diego. Rock. On. And looking on Amazon…what do I see? I think this is it, available now to pre-order! Badass!

Mr. Gaiman was also nice enough to point out this Squidoo lens where a bunch of YouTubes of McKean films are posted (that’s where I got the one above, the lovely “The Week Before”).

His very cool interp of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 138 comes after the break.

Direct link for “The Week Before” for the feedreaders.


Direct link for “Sonnet 138” for the feedreaders.

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