Mahoromatic, Vol. 1: Combat Maid (2003)
Review by Dindrane

Written by Hiroyuki Sagama
Original Manga by Bunjuro Nakayama and Ditama
Directed by Hiroyuki Sagama
Opening theme sung by Ayako Kawasumi


Dindrane's Anime Warnings:

Released by: Pioneer
Rating: 16+
Region: 1
Anamorphic: Yes

My Advice: Get it if you need TITillation, otherwise skip it.

Mahoromatic relates the tale of young Suguru, whose housekeeping skills leave a lot to be desired. Meanwhile, Mahoro, the combat android belonging to Vespa, is rewarded for her service (including saving Earth) with anything she desires; she asks to spend the remaining 398 days of her life being of use to her former commander’s orphaned son--Suguru. So Suguru now has a luscious, highly capable housekeeper wanting to wash his back and attend to his every need. But what Suguru and Mahoro don’t know is that Suguru’s buxom eight-grade teacher has a thing for him and is terribly jealous of Mahoro’s closeness with Suguru...

This show is just full of breast jokes, flying animated breasts, and...wait for it...breasts every which way, including and especially loose. It’s probably a great bet for pre-adolescent boys who won’t see anything wrong with a grown woman attempting to cause sexual desire and confusion in one of her students. The rest of us, however, will wonder where the PTA is in all this, and, incidentally, why Suguru’s teacher Saori is so keen on him (and the other male students, actually) to begin with.

This show can be compared to such anime favorites as Hand Maid May and Steel Angel Kurumi, but it is less acceptable to female viewers in general than those other titles, and is therefore probably more acceptable to young male viewers who haven’t been through their sensitivity courses yet. Given that due to nudity and sexual themes, this show is rated for 16 and up, it’s amazing to me that anyone that old of either gender would enjoy it, and I truly can’t see even the least feminist young girl out there wanting to see it at any age. This DVD would cause certain women of my acquaintance to fly into a rage, and I can’t say I’d blame them.

The voices are done rather well. You will recognize the Japanese voice for Mahoro as Kawasumi Ayako, who planed Melfina in Outlaw Star. The audio takes advantage of this skill and experience and is nicely clear. The video is similarly solid, with crisp, saturated colors and attractive art. Originally airing in 2001 on Japanese TV, you can expect the quality to be clear of aliasing and other common anime problems, and this release is no disappointment.

In short, if you enjoy maid tales or lots of breast jokes than you will probably enjoy this series as well. Other than that, there’s not much to recommend it. The comedy is all too weak and predictable, and there’s just too much that doesn’t make sense for what should be alight romantic comedy. Of course there’s the predictable attraction between the maid and her boy, but even her shortened life span doesn’t create the necessary tension. Even the fine production values can’t save this one. Rent it for a lark if you must, but only the least exacting otaku will need to own it. Maybe the next volumes will let Mahoro kick some more behind, and we’ll have seen the last of her lame nemesis, the bad teacher. We can only wait and hope.

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