Tropical Heat: Volumes 1 & 2 (1991)
Review by HTQ4

Created by Sam Egan
Starring Rob Stewart, Carolyn Dunn, and Pedro Armendariz

Released by: Artisan
Rating: NR
Region: 1
Anamorphic: N/A; they appear in their original 1.33:1 format.

My Advice: Forget it.

Nick Slaughter (Stewart) has had a better time of it. He lost his job as a DEA agent, so he relocated to Key Mariah, Florida to start his own detective agency. He hooks up with Sylvie Gerard (Dunn), a travel agent who has a knack for detective work. Together, they make a pretty good detective agency, and along with a little help from some of the low-lifes in the area, they are able to solve quite a few crimes.

Boobs; Some fake, some real. That's really all you need to know about this show. Since it was originally on TV, they can't actually show them, but they get as close as they possibly can. After you have fast-forwarded to all the boobs that this show can offer, there really isn't that much more to see or do. Come on, what did you expect from a show whose lead character is a guy named Nick Slaughter? The writing is horrible and is full of one-liners that are even worse. Stewart and Dunn seem to simply go through the lines as though they get in the way of their on-camera time. Good luck finding anything that resembles exposition, the first episode jumps right into the first case with no character development or backstory. We have to glean the lead characters backgrounds as we go through the stories. And this is no easy task with writing this bad.

There is no supplemental material on either of these DVDs, nor should there be. If there had been any interviews with the actors or even the series creator, I would have thrown something at the screen, if I heard them try to talk seriously about their characters and what passes for plot in this show. The only thing that can be said about this show in an interview is exactly how many breasts were shown in each episode and how many women they exploited in the process of taping.

If you actually watch this show for a plot line of any kind you are missing the point by a mile. Its sole purpose is to provide prepubescent males the opportunity to ogle some female chestage without the chance of getting smacked for doing it.

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