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Archive - 2006

The RIAA Would Like a Word With You

McSweeney's has published a "letter from the RIAA" basically outlining, in plain English, how they plan to pulverize you and use the dust of your bones as an additive for their next round of Darjeeling tea.


From Somewhere: Dragons on a Main

Welcome to From Somewhere, a semi-weekly digest of interesting nuggets strewn about the information highway. Be they about technology, pop culture, or just random odd items, I’ll attempt to make sense of...[more]

Science Fiction Magazine Coverpalooza

If you want to get an inkling of what would happen if the collective libraries of the Needcoffee staff all of a sudden just puked up their contents all over the place, check out the “coverpop” that is...[more]

Suspiria bubblegum card

Argento’s Suspiria: The Bubblegum Cards!

Bubblegumfink, who we’ve discussed before, has created a new line of award-winning line of bubblegum card designs–this time for Dario Argento‘s Suspiria. Find the goodness… Update: Well, crap...[more]