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“I Am The Night Life.”

Batman and Iron Man

After watching this, I can imagine some English teacher saying “Class, compare and contrast Batman and Iron Man. Use examples.’ The English teacher would probably give this a “C”, but it deserves an “A”.

Direct link for the feedreaders.
This is one of the video mashups from ItsJustSomeRandomGuy. Since I’m lazy, I borrowed a quote from Karl Cramer‘s article on ItsJustSomeRandomGuy’s appearance at New York Comic Con from ComicM!x.

It started out so innocently. Michael Agrusso made a silly video for his girlfriend. He thought it was too funny not to share, so he created a YouTube account with the username ItsJustSomeRandomGuy — just in case someone decided to sue. So began the Internet sensation “Hi, I’m a Marvel… And I’m a DC.”

Fast-forward a bit and not only has he not been sued, but some of the companies he’s lampooned have featured him on their official sites. Next thing you know, he’s got his own panel at the New York Comic Con.

And this is what they showed to introduce the panel.

Direct link for the feedreaders.

Where to Find Stuff

1 comment

  • Genius! Therapy with action figures. Someone should’ve introduced that to ComiCon years ago.