The madness continues. For more information, go here.
441. Meta Becomes Mundane.
442. Lazy-Eyed Scooter.
443. The Lovin’ Sporkful.
Imagine Lard covering songs from the 60s.
444. The Prince and the Hellzapopper.
445. Melting John Travolta.
446. Random Green Box.
447. I Forged the Venus de Milo.
448. Molten Broccoli.
449. The Strike Anywhere Blues Band.
450. The All You Can Eat Surrealism Bar.
New band names up for grabs each Tuesday and Thursday. When we’re not…doing something else. Until we hit 700.
Wait, we’re not done. Since discovering “The Canonical List of Weird Band Names,” which consists of actual bands, I’ve decided to feature one each time, just to give some added bonus to actually reading this mess.
This time around, I’m going with I Set My Friends on Fire. Here’s “Sex Ed Rocks,” their collaboration with Smosh. You’ll see why pretty quickly.
Direct link for the feedreaders.
Update: Yes, a Google ad comes up on the video when you’re playing it. That’s not one of ours and out of my control, I assure you. Make sure you close it because you’ll need the subtitles.
Here’s their MySpace. You can get their album, You Can’t Spell Slaughter Without Laughter here. And I will say that that music video is more effective than most sex education in public schools today.
If you go see them, tell them we said hi.