Hidden Magic
The Procession of the Ghouls

There was a lot of stuff they didn’t cover in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Meh, and one thing is a much more benign version of Wanda:
I never was able to find a video of 2021’s event but here’s video of the amazing Procession of the Ghouls at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York for last year. It’s shot on a phone but it’s certainly better than nothing. I will get there one of these days.
For tonight’s feature, we have Abominable from 2006. After an accident a newly widowed man returns home only to find the area around him—and soon enough, himself—terrorized by a creature from the woods. He’s seen it but no one believes him—is he nuts or is a Bigfootish brute on the rampage? Watch out for Jeffrey Combs, Lance Henriksen, and Dee Wallace to put in appearances. Enjoy.