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Archive - 2006

Last Call: Tombstone Hold ’em Poker

Just when you think you’re a morbid bastard, somebody has to come along and outdo you. Deal five cards down and then use tombstones to get the remaining two. Of course, you and your partner have to be able to...[more]

Ladies and Gentlemen, the DVD Rewinder

I know it’s touted as a novelty item on the site, but still. I just have no idea what I could possibly say about this. Except…it’d be fun to have this at a Blockbuster and charge a rewinding fee for...[more]

Prankapalooza: Run For Your Lives!

An extremely amusing round-up of pranks from Trigger Happy TV. Exactly what is required on this Friday morning: nonsense and random bits of staged violence.

Found via
Direct link for the feedreaders.

Rare Documents eBay Auction From Hell

Alexander Autographs Inc. has a live auction coming up with all kinds of crazy stuff up for bid. Some high points are a handwritten letter from Hitler, original artwork from Jimi Hendrix, a signed card by Annie Oakley...[more]

Red Bull: Stay Up Late, Make Art, Rinse, Repeat.

Some people drink Red Bull to stay awake. Uncle Warren drinks it because it feeds the nanites that live in his bloodstream and keep him alive. I drink it because it tingles. Just a little. But apparently some people...[more]

Robert Anton Wilson Needs Your Help, Part 2

The Lady Porphyre points out that Giant Robot has a most excellent shirt for Robert Anton Wilson (showing here), of which a solid $10 goes to RAW to help him out. In fact, Boing Boing posted an update that blows my mind...[more]