![MST3K funny chart MST3K funny chart](https://i0.wp.com/needcoffee.cachefly.net/needcoffee/uploads/2009/08/mst3k-funny-chart.jpg?resize=250%2C171)
We’ve got a pretty impressive array of geek fu here among the Needcoffee staff. So anytime we can be outgeeked by somebody, then much respect is given. That’s the case with Kernunrex.
He does what he calls Chronocinethons. WTF is that? He says, “That’s my made-up name for watching the films of a favorite director, or movie personality, in chronological order. This gives me a sense of where they came from, where they went, how much or little they grew, and whether it was worth buying their worst film (I own Intolerable Cruelty?).”
That sounds like the cine-geek version of the tank they stuck William Hurt in for Altered States, personally. But regardless, he does this kind of crazy shit on a long term basis. For example, he just watched every MST3K episode over the course of a year. He charted what he considered to be the funny factor, took note of different stats (like the total length of the series: 13 days, 1 hour, 33 minutes, 30 seconds), and tries to answer the question of whether or not the show will still be funny to future generations.
What a total, unadulterated maniac. Kernunrex, we salute you.