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Proof That Herbal Remedies Don’t Work on Head Bullet Wounds

Ah, there's your problem, Mrs. Guangying

A 77-year-old woman in China was dealing with ongoing headaches and finally got an X-ray of her cranium…and that pic is what they found. A bullet. She apparently was shot back in 1943 (when she was 13) by some Japanese soldiers and… here’s my favorite part of the article:

After herbal treatment from her mother, the war wound was forgotten – until surgeons plucked the rusty bullet from her skull.

I mean, seriously: I think hemp oil salve is great stuff for insect bites and such. But I wouldn’t use it after, you know, being stabbed or anything.

Found via Neatorama.

Anyway, now after the break we bring you some commentary from the leading expert on such matters, Prof. de la Rocha.

Direct link for the feedreaders.

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