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Robert Anton Wilson Sends His Thanks

Robert Anton Wilson

The message has gotten through: RAW, having been our guardo camino for years and years, now needs the road guarded in return. And we got that covered. So far, they’ve raised $68K to keep the legend comfortable in his final days. Wilson himself sent a note of thanks and Boing Boing reprinted it on their site. Here’s a snippet:

Dear Friends, my God, what can I say. I am dumbfounded, flabbergasted, and totally stunned by the charity and compassion that has poured in here the last three days… Whoever you are, wherever you are, know that my love is with you.

The love of RAW is a powerful thing and we’re as blessed as we can get in this world at this point. For info on how to donate, check out the original Boing Boing post here.


  • This is how charity *should* work – pick a cause that actually means something to you, and then actually do something about it. Preferably without a big “marketing organization” filter between you and the cause absorbing 80% of the contribution. Great news!
