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Archive - 2006

Why Aren’t You Saying Anything?

Modern life is good. There are many things we can choose to do. But some things you simply must learn to live with. Such is the message of this PSA from The Toilet Online.
Words to live by.
Found via Web Zen.

Easy Star All-Stars: Dub Side of the Moon

Jah Loves His Children, Yeah

If you haven’t heard Easy Star’s Dub Side of the Moon, their all-reggae version of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon, you’re doing yourself a disservice. On the service, it seems like a concept...[more]

Reswizzling the Classics

Worth1000 and their readers bring the awesome yet again with this Photoshop contest to make bald-faced art forgeries. So hard to find just one that we liked, so we went with the obvious choice. I’m sure...[more]

Joe Cartoon: Greatest Hits

This Just In: The Joe Cartoon DVD Home Invasion

Joe Cartoon is a very sick man. But he and the Needcoffee staff have something in common: we have both taken our respective psychiatric difficulties and turned them to a positive. He’s just…you know, more...[more]

I Hate Backgammon

For those wondering how to bypass those unhelpful company voice response units you get when you’re trying to get customer service, Izzle pfaff! shows you the way and the truth: use the power of dada: I called...[more]

The Curmudgeon

While the rest of world pays attention to college basketball and that terrible Wachowski Brothers film, I’ve spent most of the last month hiding in my bunker listening to loads of new music. This is the best time...[more]

A Cavalcade of Case Mods

Like to look at case mods and marvel at how anybody could have that much free time? We do too. Now it’s gotten even easier with Neatorama’s ultimate case mod list. Since, you know, not having any free time...[more]

Someone Gave and Won

Well, life threw a couch on top of us. We won the Bloggie, we had the Chazzies to give out…and we’ve declared a moratorium on things that end in “ie” just so we can have some breathing room...[more]