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Archive - 2006

Gimme a Head With Hair? Hai!

One of the high points of my career in local theatre was playing Claude in a production of Hair. It was a hell of a lot of fun and I don’t think I embarrassed myself anymore than I normally did on stage. So it is...[more]

Monster Toys, Monster Toys, Monster Toys!

Neatorama points us to a gallery of…yes, you guessed it: monster toys. From the Aurora models of the 1960s to the more recent McFarlane’s Movie Maniacs, this is pretty thorough. There’s even stuff...[more]

Toy Story 3 Will Bring Pixar Trilogy to Tragic End

Plot points for Pixar‘s upcoming Toy Story 3 have finally come to light. Although previous rumors have stated that the script would involve our heroes, Buzz and Woody, finally going to the equivalent of a toy...[more]

Liquidators of the Gods?

Erich Von Daniken’s Mystery Park, the extraterrestrial theme park located in Switzerland, has closed its doors. Numerous reasons were given — among them the fact that the exhibits did not change over time...[more]