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32 Days of Halloween Part VIII: Coffee Takes Manhattan — Begins HERE

Daffy Duck and Witch Hazel: A Haunting We Will Go

Oh my stars and garters, can it really be that time again? Yes, by my sainted uncle’s liver–the fourth hand on the Ouija Board tells me that it’s time. October storms forth and takes the last day away from September (which, let’s face it, wasn’t really using it anyway) and thus we declare Year Eight of 32 Days of Halloween. Because thirty-one day Halloween celebrations are for pussies.

Generally speaking, we begin each year with some form of cartoon, alternating between Disney and Looney Tunes. It’s Looney Tunes time again, which led me naturally to the final Looney Tunes appearance of Witch Hazel (voiced by June Foray) in A Haunting We Will Go from 1966.

But very quickly it became clear that we had two other “Haunting We Will Go” films out there–and they deserved a place as well. First things first. Daffy Duck, kick us off, sir.

Next, we have a cartoon of the same name, but this time starring that misunderstood apparition, Casper the Friendly Ghost. I wasn’t aware that the voice of Casper was provided by Mae Questel, who was also the voice of…Betty Boop.

And lastly, a short but sad trailer for, again, A Haunting We Will Go, this time a Laurel and Hardy feature from 1942. It’s still shots and a terribly annoying narrator, but for the sake of completion, here tis.

The Daffy short is available on the first Looney Tunes Platinum Blu-Ray set. The Casper short is available on Casper the Friendly Ghost: The Complete Collection 1945-1963. And the Laurel and Hardy film is available on the second volume of The Laurel and Hardy Collection.


  • Nice kick-off. But the Laurel and Hardy Fox feature will actually haunt you, as it did them, for years after seeing it all the way through.

    Best moment: Hardy hits and gong Laurel is holding and Stan actually goes out of focus till Ollie stops the instrument’s vibrations.

    Meanwhile, I’ll see if the “Valley Planet” will post your link for the Halloween issue.

    Next year, we’ll plan it for September.